Look for your Lyric

Ultimate Holiday Giveaway #2

Crispy Green - 16 Pack of Crispy Green Fruits
Winning Moves - MOOSE CABOOSE™ and  CONNECT 4® TWIST & TURN™
Warner Bros. - Sesame Street: 5 DVD Pack
(Includes Play All Day With Elmo, Count On Elmo, Elmo Can Do It!, Elmo the Musical Volume 2: Imagine and Learn, and The Best Of Elmo 3)
Teach My - Deluxe Teach My Kit with Matching New Bath Time Set
Chicken Soup for the Soul - Raising Great Kids
Trusted Health Products - Beautiful AM
Zims Max - Max Crack Creme


  1. I would LOVE the Sesame Street DVDs most of all (for my son), but every prize looks great!

  2. The Bright Light buddies are definitely my favorite item is this package. Adorable!

  3. I am most excited about the Crispy Green Fruits because I've really been wanting to try them!

  4. I want the book Spending the holidays with people I want to punch in the throat.

  5. I would like to win the Crispy Green 16 Pack of Crispy Green Fruits because I would like some healthy snacks for my daughter's lunches.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  6. I am most excited over package number four and the Mr. bar. b q I am excited about the whole event thank you!
    amy williams
    sethandtjay at yahoo dot com

  7. I really like all those great games from Winning Moves Games Company. We would have fun playing all of those-

  8. I so would love to try the Mozzarella and Ricotta cheese maker. It would be so much fun to make my own cheese!

  9. I am most excited for the Sesame Street 5 DVD pack. My son is in love with Elmo and gets super excited plus Elmo is one of the first words he learned to say.

  10. I'm most excited about the Sesame Street: 5 DVD Pack. My son loves Sesame Street.

  11. I'm most excited to possibly win the Teach My Deluxe kit with matching Bath Kit because I want to give my little one a great head start!

  12. I'm excited to win the Crispy Green Fruits, because I'm trying to eat healthier.

  13. The book Spending the holidays with people I want to punch in the throat sounds soo funny. I really am interested in seeing whats it about.

  14. I am excited about the MOOSE CABOOSE™ and CONNECT 4® TWIST & TURN. The kids would really enjoy it.

  15. The bright lite buddie would be wonderful for my grandson.

  16. I am most excited about the MOOSE CABOOSE™ and CONNECT 4® TWIST & TURN™. They would be perfect for our family since we love games.

  17. I would like the crispy green because we need some healthy snacks in our lives. Brittney House

  18. I'm excited for the Sesame Street DVDs - my nephew will really like them! :)

  19. I;m excited about the Deluxe Teach My Kit with Matching New Bath Time Set!

  20. The Bright Light buddies sound awesome!

  21. From package 2, the Sesame Street: 5 DVD Pack would be great. My granddaughter would love this.

  22. I would love to win because the Deluxe Teach My Kit with Matching New Bath Time Set would be a great gift for my nephew this holiday season.

  23. i am excited about the Winning Moves Games

  24. Definitely the games from Winning Moves. We love playing games when we get together for the holidays.

  25. I'm most excited about the games.

  26. I would love to win the Mozzarella and Ricotta cheese maker. My middle daughter would absolutely flip to find this under the tree, she is very into diy as much as possible. So many great, great prizes. :D Thanks so much for hosting.

  27. Oops, I think I might have commented on the wrong package - I would adore the Deluxe Teach My Kit with Matching New Bath Time Set for my grandson.

  28. the Mozzarella and Ricotta cheese maker, first I didnt even know there was such a thing, 2nd I would love that

  29. I would love to try the crispy green fruits. We have not tried these yet.
